2875 Decker Lake Dr, West Valley, Ut 84119 is a Mixed Use property with a cell tower antenna structure. The site offers a 71438 sqft lot area and has a Salt Lake County APN # of 15-27-126-092-0000. See the wireless lease estimate for this site and search for cell towers nearby.
Nearby EV Charging Stations
2875 Decker Lake Dr, West Valley, UT 84119
Lease Data Locked
The lease data for this site is private and only available to Premium Accounts and the registered Site Owner.Request a Premium Access Pass or, if you're the site owner, Claim this Site to take control over the listing and its contents.
Site Contact Data Locked
The site contact data for this site is private and only available to Premium Accounts and the registered Site Owner.Request a Premium Access Pass or, if you're the site owner, Claim this Site to take control over the listing and its contents.
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Take control of the listing information and promote your site to carriers and utility companies, free!Census Data
The property located at 2875 Decker Lake Dr is situated in Salt Lake County, Utah and has a block FIPS # of 490351133122008. Here is the most recent census data from the 2020 US Census report:BTA: BTA399
Utility InformationUtility Company: PacifiCorp
Company ID: 14354
Residential Rate: $0.1031
Commerical Rate: $0.0803
Industrial Rate: $0.0548
Utility Lease Market Valuation Analysis
Estimated Utility Lease Rates
Estimated Utility Lease Sale Valuation
Note: This doesn't include the value of the real estate and is only based on the lease rights an a recorded utility easement. The amount of the lease buyout depends on the rent being received under the existing lease, the tenant quality, the terms of the lease, the neighborhood location (including traffic counts and population), the duration of the period for which our investor has the right to collect rent, and a number of other variables that make up our risk assessment.
Request a free site valuation and no obligation cash offer.
Infrastructure Investors are actively purchasing fee simple real estate, leases and easements on properties with active utility leases from tier-1 tenants (AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, etc.). Depending on the terms of the lease, the lease buyout valuations can range drastically between 16x-20x the annual lease rate for lump-sum payments and 18x-25x for structured payments.
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