Exchange Analysis

Determine the right time to sell your infrastructure lease.

We’ll analyze your lease and investment goals to help achieve optimal results.

Step 1 | Lease Valuation Analysis

Share a few property details about your lease to determine the current estimated sale value. We’ll compare this with historical values and provide a market prediction on estimated future value of your lease.

Step 2 | Strategic Re-Investment Analysis

Determine your short and long-term investment goals. We’ll help you determine if it makes sense to keep your lease and manage risk or sell and re-invest the funds into assets that match your investment goals.

Improve your Assets

Re-Invest in your Property or Business to improve the value of your assets.

1031 Exchange

Exchange your lease for higher performing and more secure fee simple real estate assets.


Increase your monthly payments through a structured payment plan.

Step 3 | No Obligation, Instant Cash Offer

Receive an instant cash offer from a top infrastructure investment fund.

Free Infrastructure Lease Consultation

Our industry professionals provide free consultations to property owners with existing infrastructure lease agreements or utility assets on their property.